The project "EcoFashionEU (Promoting the sustainability of small and medium textile and fashion manufacturers)" aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the textile, ready-made clothing, and fashion sectors. As a result of this initiative, businesses are encouraged to adopt sustainable practices in their production, management, and administrative operations, in order to assist them in adapting to new international and European standards and requirements.
EcoFashionEU is committed to:
Providing sustainable development support to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the fashion sector.
Assisting non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and educational organizations in developing their knowledge and expertise on issues related to sustainable fashion.
Associations of professionals and consumers in Greece and throughout the European Union.
Using this questionnaire, companies can assess how mature they are regarding the integration of sustainability principles and practices, corporate social responsibility, and responsible entrepreneurship into their strategy and operations. As well, it examines the new Ethos Fashion tool developed by adapting the original ETHOS tool to meet the specific needs and challenges faced by fashion SMEs.
For more information, visit EcoFashionEU's website .

Question Title

* Company

Question Title

* Participants/personnel 1

Question Title

* Participants/personnel 2 (if available)

Question Title


  Yes No Does not apply
Is the Operating Licence valid?
Are the Approval Decision of Environmental Terms (ADET) / Standard Environmental Commitments (SEC) valid?
Is the fire protection certificate valid or does the company have fire extinguishers?
Are all other required permits/approvals valid?

Question Title


  Yes No Does not apply
The owner(s) of the SME is (are) fully aware that the operation of the company, in accordance with the principles of corporate social responsibility and sustainability, entails a direct comparative competitive disadvantage in terms of production costs compared to similar products of the fast fashion industry
Has a stakeholder assessment been carried out and is the company in a position to consult with them if necessary?
Has a materiality analysis been carried out in relation to stakeholders?
Based on past experience, is the ownership of the SME able to cope with some form of crisis?
The company excludes the use of methods of corruption and bribery at all levels
There are no pending complaints or fines/confirmed incidents of corruption and bribery for the company
Is the policy on social responsibility and compliance with the requirements of this scheme available and uploaded on the site?
Is the social responsibility policy communicated to stakeholders?
Is there a formal organisation chart of the company?
Are there documented job descriptions?
Has thw company name a person (owner or someone else) responsible for the social responsibility system?

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Is there a Writen Occupational Risk Assessment (WORA) available, covering all business operations
Is there a contract with a Safety Technician (ST) and an Occupational Physician (OP) (if required) and are the relevant suggestion files kept according to a schedule?
Are workers provided with appropriate equipment of personal protection (EPP) according to their position and on the basis of the WORA?
Are the inspection certificates for equipment and machinery, when required by law, valid? (Ex. Compressors)
Does the company apply the current regulations regarding fire protection?
Does the company have an anti-discrimination policy at all stages (recruitment, assessment, equal treatment at the workplace)?
If foreign workers are employed, do they have the same rights as the rest of the workers?
Does the company have a policy against possible sexual harassment or violence against female employees?
Salaries of employees are payed regularly, without delays?
Is a record kept (signed or electronic) of employee arrival and departure times?
Any overtime work takes place in accordance with the current legislation
Does the company compensate employees for any overtime, night or holiday work in accordance with the additional remuneration as required by law?
Does the company prohibit any undeclared and non-insured work?
Do the legal requirements (working hours-payroll etc.) apply when the company employs apprentices (apprenticeship arrangements)?
Does the company provide benefits other than wages to employees, e.g. free food or transportation?
Has the company informed employees about their right to be represented by a trade union?
There is no child labour of any kind
Are there employment agreements with all employees, clear and comprehensible to them?
Is the overtime work of a voluntary nature?
Does the company encourage internal communication and effective dissemination of information to all employees?
Does the company provide employees with the opportunity to make suggestions for improvement?
Is there a documented complaints procedure? Are employees informed?
Are employee complaints handled effectively?
Are development-type training (for the purpose of labour market development) carried out for all staff without discrimination?
Is a staff evaluation being carried out? Does merit-based rewarding of employees take place?
The company does not apply disciplinary measures or, if it does, they are adequately justified and in accordance with the current legislation

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Is compliance with the European Regulation (2016/67/EU) on the protection of personal data being assessed?
Does the company have a client property management guideline/policy?
Is there a customer compensation policy in place in case of loss/damage/theft of customer's property?
Are employees who come into contact with personal customer data aware of the European Regulation (2016/67/EU)?
On the company website or related promotional material, do the photos and the list of products and services provided reflect reality?
Does the company have a person responsible for communication/ a specific communication department and does it keep a record of responses to customer requests?
Are the terms and conditions in product sales contracts clear?
Are customers adequately informed about their rights and the complaints handling procedure?
If surveillance cameras are in place, has the company posted a relevant information sign?
Does the company have a policy committing itself to providing high and consistent quality products/services?
Does it have and implement a customer complaint management process? Are relevant indicators monitored?
Does the company have a certified quality management system in place?
Is the company facilitating access/services to people with disabilities (Law 4067/2012 and Ministerial Decision YA 216/2015)?
Does the company have a civil liability insurance contract?
Does the company have first aid equipment on site (first aid kit, pharmacy)?
Are there trained staff in providing first aid?
Does the company apply a periodic and effective fumigation-fungicide system?
Is there an effective and functioning fire detection system in the premises and common areas or are there at least fire extinguishers?
Are there fire safety guidelines that include plans with relevant escape routes in the premises?
Is there a non-smoking policy on the premises?
Is alcohol consumption prohibited in the workplace?

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Does the business comply with the requirements of environmental licensing (ADET, SEC) if required by the operating licence?
If required by the operating permit, has the business registered in the EWR (Electronic Waste Register) and periodically submits the required reports?
The company has posted instructions for saving energy and water (e.g. air conditioning, wash on demand)?
Is water consumption managed efficiently (saving system in toilets, rainwater harvesting, reuse of biological water)?
Is energy consumption managed efficiently (LED lamps, air-conditioning-heating function, lighting sensors)?
Does the company use renewable energy sources? (Indicatively solar water heater)
Does the company train employees on good environmental practices?
Has the company identified the most significant environmental risks/impacts from its activity and does implement measures to address them?
Are the key environmental indicators (e.g. energy, water, oil, water consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, waste generated) recorded and monitored?
Does the company implement a system of recycling/separation of waste at source?
Does the company implement policies to maximize the utilisation of textiles and other raw materials in order to minimise waste?
Does the company implement a policy for the disposal of unsold stock (non-disposal, recycling, disposal for public benefit)?
Are eco-friendly cleaning products used?
Does the company have an environmental policy posted on the site?
Does the company have a certified environmental or energy management system or some other type of "green" certification? (Indicatively ISO 14001)

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Does the company have a policy of free access to premises/files during inspections by public authorities?
Does the company respond in a timely manner to inspection/audit reports from competent authorities?
Does the company have a valid tax/social security certificate?
Are the products/services provided in accordance with the applicable tax provisions?

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Does the company consult with local stakeholders?
Does the company participate in social actions aimed at the development of the local community?
Does the company promote or advertise services/activities for the promotion of the historical or cultural heritage?

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Does the company refrain from any practice that may lead to distortion of competition?
There are no pending or completed legal actions for the company's involvement in anti-competitive behaviour
Does the company participate in bodies or sectoral associations of similar companies?
Does the company actively participate in synergies, events with similar businesses or relevant fairs/shows?

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Does the company incorporate social responsibility requirements in its business relations with its main suppliers or subcontractors?
Is an assessment of key suppliers and subcontractors carried out periodically?
Does the company communicate (indicatively via the website) to its main suppliers and subcontractors its social responsibility policy and program?
Does the company have a documented and clear procurement policy in terms of corporate social responsibility and sustainability? (e.g. search for raw materials that are more environmentally friendly)
Does the company seek innovation in the use of raw materials or in its products ?

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Are the decisions and business practices of the company executed by the Board regardless of any financial dependence or the existence of a loan?

Question Title


  Yes No Does not Apply
Does the company set targets for the continuous improvement of the social responsibility system and monitor them with at least one indicator?
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100% of survey complete.