Question Title

* 1. How many horses do you own or lease?

Question Title

* 3. What is/are the primary use(s) of the horse(s) you own? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Question Title

* 4. Who is the primary decision maker for your horse's medical care?

Question Title

* 5. Where do you keep your horse(s)?

Question Title

* 6. Indicate the primary resources where you get information on prevention of infectious diseases for your horse(s). SELECT UP TO 3 USED MOST OFTEN

Question Title

* 7. Have you asked your veterinarian which vaccines are appropriate for your horse(s) based on their risk for contracting infectious disease?

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following vaccines do your horses receive each year? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY

Question Title

* 9. Who administers vaccines to your horses?

Question Title

* 10. Other than through vaccinations, have you discussed how to prevent your horses from getting an infectious disease with your veterinarian?

Question Title

* 11. Is there a biosecurity plan for preventing infectious diseases at the facility where you keep your horses?

Question Title

* 12. Is there a temporary isolation requirement for new horses moved to the facility where your horse(s) reside?

Question Title

* 13. On average, how many days per year does your horse(s) have contact with non-resident horses?

Question Title

* 14. How often do you take your horse’s temperature prior to participating in an event or group activity?

Question Title

* 15. If your horse has contact with horses that normally don’t reside at your facility (non-resident horse), what is your perception of the risk for your horse acquiring a respiratory infection?

Question Title

* 16. On a 5 to 1 scale with 5 being high risk and 1 being low risk, please rate the level of risk of the following factors for infectious disease transmission or disease introduction.

  High Risk
4 3 2 Low Risk
Lack of cleaning or disinfection
Horse movement on/off the facility
Sharing of equipment (tack, grooming, water buckets, stall cleaning equipment, wipe rags, etc.)
People movement on/off the facility and/or interaction with multiple horses
Inadequate vaccination

Question Title

* 17. On a 5 to 1 scale with 5 being highly effective and 1 having low effectiveness, rate each of the following biosecurity techniques on how effective you think each is in preventing equine respiratory infections (such as influenza, strangles, herpesvirus) in your horse(s).

  Highly Effective
4 3 2 Low Effectiveness
Taking daily temperature
Hand washing/sanitizing
Facility cleaning
Requirements for people moving between horses
Limiting horse to horse contact

Question Title

* 18. Which of the following biosecurity practices do you or does your facility management routinely use where your horse resides? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Question Title

* 19. After you are in contact with non-resident horses do you take any of the following precautions before visiting your own horse? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Question Title

* 20. Which of the following would prompt you to take your horse’s temperature? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Question Title

* 21. On a 5 to 1 scale with 5 being very high risk and 1 being very low risk, what is your perception of  the level of risk for horses that commingle with other non-resident horses during events such as showing, racing, group trail ride or other competitions?

Question Title

* 22. On average which of the following biosecurity provisions are in place at the facilities where you take your horse for competitions or events? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Question Title

* 23. Among the following individuals that come in contact with your horse, which do you believe increases the risk to your horse(s) of contracting an infectious disease? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

Question Title

* 24. When you are looking for information about biosecurity, what is your order of preference for having information presented?  PLEASE RANK FROM 1 TO 6 WITH #1 AS YOUR FIRST CHOICE.

Question Title

* Do you use information on the Equine Disease Communication Center website?

Question Title

* IF YES, What is the greatest benefit for you?

Question Title

* Has the EDCC ever changed how you manage your horse(s)?

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100% of survey complete.