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* 1. Which of the following describes your role in making decisions regarding data storage?

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* 2. What’s the approximate full-time enrollment at your school?

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* 3. Relatively speaking, how much of each type of data below do you store in the public cloud?

  A large amount of data stored in the public cloud Some amount of data stored in the public cloud Little amount of data stored in the public cloud No data stored in the public cloud Unsure
Backups and archives
Application storage
Multimedia storage, including sports team media
Research production workloads
Research data backups
AI/ML data
Library system data
Surveillance data
Data lake

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* 4. And how do you expect the amount of data stored in the public cloud for each of these to change over the next 1-2 years?

  Data stored in public cloud will grow a lot Data stored in public cloud will grow some Data stored in public cloud will grow a little bit Data stored in public cloud will not grow/ will stay the same No data stored in public cloud Unsure
Backups and archives
Application storage
Multimedia storage, including sports team media
Research production workloads
Research data backups
AI/ML data
Library system data
Surveillance data
Data lake

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* 5. What measures have you had to take to save on data storage costs? Select all that apply.

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* 6. Specifically, what measures do you plan to take or have already taken to manage data stored in a previously free tier that is no longer free? For example, data previously stored for free on Google Drive.

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* 7. How confident are you in your institution’s current disaster recovery stance?

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* 8. What measures has your institution taken to ensure disaster recovery in the event of a cyber-attack or natural disaster? (Check all that apply.)

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* 9. How long did it take your institution to fully recover from its last cyberattack or natural disaster?

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* 10. Please describe some of the AI/ML projects your institution is undertaking. How do you plan to use the public cloud for AI/ML workloads? If you’re not sure, just write n/a.