Darke County Parks-Community Survey 2025

Help Shape the Future of Darke County Parks!

The Darke County Park District wants to hear from you! Your feedback will help guide improvements and ensure our parks continue to serve the community’s needs. Please take a moment to complete this 15-minute survey and help shape the future of Darke County Parks. We also encourage you to pass the survey along to family, friends, and neighbors in Darke County so they can make their voices heard as well.

Thank you for your time and input!

The survey is open until August 24, 2025.
1.How important are parks to you?
2.How familiar are you with Darke County Parks?
3.What is your opinion of Darke County Parks?
4.Darke County Parks are funded in part by property taxes, at a rate of approximately $36.00 for each $100,000 of home value. How would you rate the value that the Darke County Parks provides to citizens?
5.Approximately how many times have you or a member of your household visited Darke County Parks in the past year?
6.How many times in the past year have you visited each Darke County Park location listed below?
5 or more
Shawnee Prairie Preserve Nature Center
Bish Discovery Center
Historical Bear's Mill
Alice Bish Park
Coppress Nature Sanctuary
Donna May Campbell Preserve
Edison Woods Preserve
Holzapfel Preserve
Prairie Ridge Meadow
Routzong Preserve
Tecumseh Trail (bike trail)
Turkeyfoot Preserve
Winterrowd Wetlands
Worth Family Nature Preserve
Tecumseh Point
7.Overall, how would you rate the physical condition of the parks you have visited?
8.The mission of Darke County Parks is "acquire and preserve land areas possessing special natural and historic features and to manage and maintain these resources for the benefit of its residents through appropriate educational and passive recreational programs and activities." How important is this mission to you?
9.There are different ways to protect and conserve the natural and historic features of Darke County and to inspire outdoor exploration and learning. Please rate how supportive you would be of each action Darke County Parks could take.
Very supportive
Not supportive
Don't know
Purchase land for natural and historic preservation, conservation, and restoration of habitats for public enjoyment
Maintain parks at the current level
Enhance existing parks
Expand the paved multi-use trail network in Darke County
Provide park trails for hiking and exploration
Expand outdoor education and exploration opportunities
Expand school field trip opportunities
10.Please rate your likelihood of attending each of the park events listed below.
Definitely will attend
May attend
Definitely will not attend
I've never heard of this event.
Bash at Bish
Gathering at Garst
Tour de Darke
Luminary Walk at Bear's Mill
Waffle Breakfast
Raptor Run 5K
Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland at Shawnee Prairie
11.Which Darke County Park event is your favorite and why?
12.Which of the following have you used or attended when visiting the Darke County Parks in the past year? Please select all that apply.
13.Please indicate your likelihood of pursuing the following activities at a Darke County Park in the next year.
Definitely will do
Definitely will not do
Bird watching
Community events
Nature programs
History programs
Nature play
Visiting Bear's Mill
Visiting Bish Co-op Market
14.How important to you are each of the following park features?
Very important
Very unimportant
Hiking/nature trails
Natural features (woods, prairies, lakes, rivers, etc.)
Nature play area
Paved hiking/biking trails
Shelters and picnic areas
Nature center display(s)
Gift shop
Historic Bear's Mill
Stage for outdoor concerts
15.For each of the following features, indicate whether you think Darke County Parks has enough or not enough in the parks.
More than enough
Enough/Just right
Not enough/more needed
Hiking/nature trails
Natural features (woods, prairies, lakes, rivers, etc.)
Nature play area
Paved hiking/biking trails
Shelters and picnic areas
Trail signage
Informational signs
16.How important to you are each of the following park factors?
Very important
Very unimportant
Feeling of safety and security
Clean, well maintained, and updated
Trails are well maintained and easy to navigate
Preserves open space and wildlife habitat
Accessible to people of all ages and abilities
Convenient location
Provides quiet nature study/observation opportunities
Preserves historic sites
Provides play spaces for children
Connects the community with walking and biking trails
Provides nature education programs
Holds community events
Outreach programming
Informational videos
Mobile app with maps and interactive activities
17.How would you rate the Darke County Parks on each of these factors?
Very good
Don't know
Feeling of safety and security
Clean, well maintained, and updated
Trails are well maintained and easy to navigate
Preserves open space and wildlife habitat
Accessible to people of all ages and abilities
Convenient location
Provides quiet nature study/observation opportunities
Preserves historic sites
Provides play spaces for children
Connects the community with walking and biking trails
Provides nature education programs
Holds community events
Outreach programming
Informational videos
18.Rate the importance of ADDING the following additional amenities to the parks.
Very important
Very unimportant
Hiking trails
Nature areas
Nature playgrounds
Paved multi-use trails (bike trails)
Playground equipment
Outdoor exercise equipment
Dog park
Shelters for groups of 50 or less
Bicycle playground/pump track
Challenge/obstacle course
Mountain bike trails
Mobile Nature Center trailer/vehicle
19.Rate the importance of ADDING or EXPANDING the following programs and events to the parks.
Very important
Very unimportant
Hiking groups or events
Nature programs
Outdoor recreation/adventure programs
Outdoor fitness/wellness groups or events (running, walking, yoga, etc.)
Volunteer/environmental service programs
Accessible/inclusive programming
Gardening/landscaping programs
Nature related art/photography/craft events
Activities for ages 55+
Children's programs
Teen programs and events
Art/music performances/festivals
History programs
After school programs
Day camps
Outdoor concerts/stage entertainment
20.What type of programs or events would you like to see offered at Darke County Park that would further the parks' mission?
21.What are the best days/times of the week for you to participate in programs? (Please select all that apply.)
22.Please indicate how you currently learn about Darke County Parks programs and activities. (Select all that apply.)
23.How would you prefer to receive information about Darke County Parks in the future? Select all that apply.
24.Rate the quality of communications you receive from the Darke County Parks.
Very poor
Don't know
Social media (Facebook, Instagram)
Fliers or brochures
25.Are you aware of the Friends of Darke County Parks, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to financially supporting park projects and programs?
26.Counting yourself, how many people are in your household?
27.What are the ages of the members of your household? Please indicate the number of household members in each age group.
4 or more
Under age 5
Ages 5-12
Ages 13-17
Ages 18-34
Ages 35-50
Ages 51-64
Ages 65+
28.What is your zip code?
29.How many years have you lived in Darke County?
30.We are interested in your feedback. Please feel free to provide any other information that you would like to share with us.
31.Are you interested volunteering in the Darke County Parks?
32.Are you interested in facility rentals (Nature Center rooms, outdoor pavilions, boat/bike rentals) at Darke County Parks?
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