EBAday 2025 Fintech Zone
Application to participate

Do you have a novel, innovative product or service that’s addressing an issue in the current banking and finance sector? Then we’re looking for you.

The EBAday Fintech Zone offers a unique opportunity for innovative fintechs like yours to showcase your solutions to senior decision makers and industry leaders of the European banking community and network with industry players.

Pitch your product, network with industry leaders, and gain valuable exposure. Successful applicants will gain significant visibility, including a dedicated stand, networking opportunities, and the chance to be featured on Finextra.com.

Applications are free and close on 3 March 2025.

Apply now and join the ranks of past winners who gained valuable industry recognition and connections.

* Denotes a required answer
Company Details
Company / Organisation Name(Required.)
City / Town(Required.)
Year company was founded(Required.)
Annual Revenue (Turnover)
Number of Employees(Required.)
Have you applied for the Fintech Zone before?(Required.)
Your Company Website:(Required.)
Your Company LinkedIn:(Required.)
Your Pitch
Tell us about your organisation and why it was founded (<150 words.)(Required.)
Describe your product or service (<300 words.)(Required.)
Which EBAday theme does your product best align with?(Required.)
What challenge/problem does your product address within this theme? (<300 Words)(Required.)
What is the USP of your product or service to address this challenge? (<300 words)(Required.)
Do you have any specific use cases that your product addresses?(Required.)
What is your key target market within financial services? (<100 words)(Required.)
How do you currently engage with financial institutions and/or banks and what success have you had? (<300 words)(Required.)
Why do you want to take part in the EBAday Fintech Zone (<300 words)(Required.)
Contact details (Person responsible for entry)
Full Name(Required.)
Email Address(Required.)
Job Title(Required.)
Phone Number (Incl. Dialing code)(Required.)
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