This survey was created by the Ohio Department of Health and is being administered by Greene County Public Health as a grant requirement. All answers are anonymous and there will not be any reporting of individual results. Thank you for your time. 

How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements:

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* 1. Tobacco use by adults should not be allowed on school grounds or at any school events. Do you...

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* 2. Tobacco use should not be allowed on college or university campuses or at any college-sponsored events. Do you...

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* 3. Smoking should not be allowed in multi-unit housing residences or any living quarters where secondhand smoke infiltration may occur. Do you...

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* 4. Smoking should not be allowed in outdoor public spaces. Do you...

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* 5. Tobacco use of any kind should not be allowed in outdoor public spaces. Do you...

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* 6. E-cigarettes and other electronic vaping products should be treated the same as regular cigarettes in terms of tobacco laws and policies. Do you...

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* 7. E-cigarettes should not be allowed in places that prohibit smoking. Do you...

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* 8. Tobacco companies should not be allowed to advertise any tobacco products. Do you...

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* 9. Tobacco companies should not be allowed to advertise any tobacco products towards youth. Do you...

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* 10. E-cigarette companies should not be prohibited from marketing and advertising their products on the radio, television or other means like cigarette companies are?

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* 11. It is important that adolescents and young adults never experiment with tobacco. Do you…

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* 12. The age to buy tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, should be raised to 21. Do you…

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* 13. Tobacco companies should  reduce the amount of nicotine in cigarettes so that kids who experiment with smoking do not become addicted. Do you...

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* 14. Candy and fruit flavorings, including menthol, should not be prohibited in e-cigarettes and other tobacco products. Do you...

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* 15. During the past SEVEN DAYS, in which of the following places have you smelled secondhand tobacco smoke? (Select all that apply)