Health Insurance Opinion Study Question Title * 1. Probe Research is a neutral, third-party, market research and consulting company that helps organizations improve the digital solutions they offer customers and members. We will be filming and looking at the entire insurer website (behind the login) for people who have health insurance through certain companies – we will be looking at what resources and functionality it offers to members. While we will click into sections and pages that hold personal health information, our focus is not on the health data but on design, navigation, content promotion, usability, tools and resources offered by the insurers. Our research removes all personal information and data since that is not our focus and our clients have strict HIPAA procedures. We expect the filming process to take roughly 90 minutes. We will have you log in and then pass over controls for us to then drive the online session.Do you agree that you are willing to log into your health insurance portal as part of the study? Yes No Question Title * 2. Contact Info Name Phone E-Mail Age City State Question Title * 3. Do you have health insurance (i.e., employer, individual, Medicare or Medicaid)? Yes No Question Title * 4. If yes (others skip) What type of health insurance plan do you have? Employer-based plan Individual plan Medicare plan Medicaid plan Dual eligible or special needs plan D-SNP (Medicare + Medicaid) Next