
Hello and welcome to the DG Cities Future Trends Survey, brought to you by the DG Cities Research Community.

This survey will ask you questions about three topics related to the future of UK Towns and Cities. 

By sharing your views in this survey you will help support the development of research and insights for local authorities, researchers, businesses and policy makers.

Who is conducting the research?
This research is being carried out by DG Cities, an innovation company set up by the Royal Borough of Greenwich to help make sure new city innovations put people first.

How long will the survey be open for?
The survey will be open for responses until 5pm on the 11th of February 2022.

At the end of the survey you can opt in to participate in a prize draw, or to engage in future research. At this stage you will be asked to provide your name and your email. This information will only be shared within the DG Cities team for the purpose of further contact should you consent, and is used in the analysis of the survey findings. You will not be identified in any published materials. Neither will you be contacted by anyone who does not work at DG Cities, and you will only be contacted if you consent. 

When will the prize draw take place?
The prize draw will take place on the 18th of February 2022.
How long does the survey take?
Most people take around 12-15 minutes to complete the survey.

Are there age restrictions for completing the survey?
You have to be at least 18 years old to complete this survey.

What to do if you require further information. 
The DG Cities data privacy policy and competition rules, terms and conditions can be found here. If you require any further information please contact DG Cities at researchcommunity@dgcities.com.

Please check whether you agree with the following statement. If you do not agree, this will end the survey. 

Question Title

* 1. I have read and understood all of the information above and I feel sufficiently informed as to the survey's purpose and how my personal data will be used. I am at least 18 years old. Further, I am aware that I can stop the survey at any time.