CFA Institute Internal Communication Survey |
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the CFA Institute Internal Communication Survey. This survey will help us gauge the success of our current communication efforts, and help us communicate more effectively with employees. Some key facts about the survey:
- The survey should take 10 – 15 minutes of your time.
- We recognize that we may be asking about some topics that are less familiar to you. Please know that there are no right or wrong answers to any survey items; we’re seeking to better understand your thoughts and to garner your constructive responses to the open-ended items.
- We have collaborated with CRA, Inc., a national research and internal communication firm, to conduct the survey process. Please be confident that your feedback will remain strictly confidential.
- If you have any questions, feel free to contact Anne O'Brien or Lauren Heinz.
Thank you again for supporting our efforts to improve our communication with you.