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English Language Placement Test | 2

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* 1. Address

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* 2. I ________________ from France.

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* 3. This is my friend. _____________ name is Peter.

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* 4. Mike is ______________.

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* 5. My brother is ______________ artist.

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* 6. _______________ 20 desks in the classroom.

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* 7. Paul ________________ romantic films.

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* 8. Sorry, I can’t talk. I _____________ right now.

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* 9. She _________________ at school last week.

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* 10. I _________________ the film last night.

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* 11. __________________ a piece of cake? No, thank you.

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* 12. The living room is ___________________ than the bedroom.

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* 13. The car is very old. We’re going ____________________ a new car soon.

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* 14. Jane is a vegetarian. She ____________________ meat.

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* 15. There aren’t ________________ buses late in the evening.

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* 16. The car park is _________________ to the restaurant.

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* 17. Sue ________________ shopping every day.

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* 18. They _________________ in the park when it started to rain heavily.

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* 19. ________________ seen fireworks before?

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* 20. We’ve been friends ____________________ many years.

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* 21. You _________________ pay for the tickets. They’re free.

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* 22. Jeff was ill last week and he _________________ go out.

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* 23. These are the photos ________________ I took on holiday.

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* 24. We’ll stay at home if it _______________ this afternoon.

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* 25. He doesn’t smoke now, but he __________________ a lot when he was young.

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* 26. Mark plays football ___________________ anyone else I know.

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* 27. I promise I __________________ you as soon as I’ve finished this cleaning.

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* 28. This town ___________________ by lots of tourists during the summer.

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* 29. He said that his friends ____________ to speak to him after they lost the football match.

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* 30. How about _________________ to the cinema tonight?

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* 31. Excuse me, can you ___________________ me the way to the station, please?

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* 32. I wasn’t interested in the performance very much. ________________.

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* 33. Take a warm coat, _______________ you might get very cold outside.

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* 34. __________________ this great book and I can’t wait to see how it ends.

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* 35. What I like more than anything else ___________________ at weekends.

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* 36. She ________________ for her cat for two days when she finally found it in the garage.

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* 37. We won’t catch the plane _________________ we leave home now! Please hurry up!

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* 38. If I hadn’t replied to your email, I___________________ here with you now.

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* 39. Do you think you ___________________ with my mobile phone soon? I need to make a call.

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* 40. I don’t remember mentioning __________________ dinner together tonight.

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* 41. Was it Captain Cook ______________ New Zealand?

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* 42. You may not like the cold weather here, but you’ll have to ________________, I’m afraid.

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* 43. It’s cold so you should __________________ on a warm jacket.

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* 44. Paul will look ______________ our dogs while we’re on holiday.

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* 45. She ___________________ a lot of her free time reading.

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* 46. Hello, this is Simon. Could I ___________________ to Jane, please?

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* 47. They’re coming to our house ___________________ Saturday.

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* 48. I think it’s very easy to ___________ debt these days.

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* 49. Come on! Quick! Let’s get _____________!

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* 50. I phoned her ____________ I heard the news.

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* 51. I feel very ____________. I’m going to go to bed!

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* 52. I always _____ milk in my coffee.

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* 53. I _____ TV every evening.

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* 54. Can you give me a _____ with my bag.

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* 55. Before you enter the triathlon, please bear in _____ that you’re not as young as you used to be!

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* 56. The breath test showed he had consumed more than three times the legal limit of alcohol, so the police arrested him for _____.

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* 57. The meeting was _____ and not very interesting.

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* 58. After the movie was released, the main _____ point was its excessive use of violence.

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* 59. There have been several big _____ against the use of GM foods recently.

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* 60. A lot of ____ came to Ireland in the 1990s.

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* 61. There was a nice meal and a band at the wedding ____

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* 62. Read the text below. For questions 61 to 65, choose the best answer (a, b, c or d).

‘Heavier than air flying machines are impossible,’ said the well-known scientist Lord Kelvin in 1895. Thomas Watson, the chairman of IBM in 1943, was wrong too when he said that he thought there would be a world market for only five or so computers.
Predictions can, of course, be wrong, and it is very difficult to predict what the world will be like in 100, 50, or even 20 years from now. But this is something that scientists and politicians often do. They do so because they invent things and make decisions that shape the future of the world that we live in.
In the past they didn’t have to think too much about the impact that their decisions had on the natural world. But that is now changing. An increasing number of people believe that we should live within the rules set by nature. In other words, they think that in a world of fixed and limited resources, what is used today will not be there for our children. We must therefore look at each human activity and try to change it or create alternatives if it is not sustainable. The rules for this are set by nature, not by man.

What was Lord Kelvin suggesting?

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* 63. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

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* 64. shape (line 6) is closest in meaning to:

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* 65. The article suggests we should live in a _____ way.

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* 66. Choose the best title for the article.

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* 67. Read the text below. For questions 66 to 69, choose the best answer (a, b, c or d).
Many hotel chains and tour operators say that they take their environmental commitments seriously, but often they do not respect their social and economic responsibilities to the local community. So is it possible for travellers to help improve the lives of locals and still have a good holiday?

The charity, Tourism Concern, thinks so. It has pioneered the concept of the fair-trade holiday. The philosophy behind fair-trade travel is to make sure that local people get a fair share of the income from tourism. The objectives are simple: employing local people wherever possible; offering fair wages and treatment; showing cultural respect; involving communities in deciding how tourism is developed; and making sure that visitors have minimal environmental impact.

Although there is currently no official fair-trade accreditation for holidays, the Association of Independent Tour Operators has worked hard to produce responsible tourism guidelines for its members. Some new companies, operated as much by principles as profits, offer a fantastic range of holidays for responsible and adventurous travellers.

Tourism Concern…

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* 68. Which of the following is NOT one of Tourism Concern’s objectives?

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* 69. According to the text, fair-trade travel is all about…

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* 70. According to the text, there are _________ companies that are operated on principles as well as profits.

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* 71. Choose the most appropriate title for the article.

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