Psychological Safety and Inclusivity Indicator

As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a psychologically safe and inclusive workplace for all, you are invited to participate in the PSI (Psychological Safety & Inclusivity) questionnaire.

Your response is anonymous and responses will be aggregated with all members of our teams. Our teams can then use the feedback to create an environment where all team members feel valued, supported and encouraged to fully participate within their team and beyond.

We value your honest feedback as it is intended to be of great benefit to all members of the team. The questionnaire only takes 5 minutes to complete.
Please provide feedback by 9th September.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our team via
Thank you for your participation!

This service is powered by Your organisation has initiated this activity and is using services provided either directly or indirectly from via a registered partner. The information you provide will be managed and processed by and used for ongoing research purposes. It will be treated with the strictest confidentiality and will only be accessed and processed by, your organisation and the registered partner of who is working with your organisation to conduct this activity.

Question Title

* 1. Reflecting on my own team, since the last survey

  Not at all Rarely Some of the time Most of the time All of the time N/A
I felt fully included as a member of the team.
I was trusted to do my job.
I was encouraged to use my skills and knowledge.
I felt the effort I put in was equal to the reward I took out.
I understood what was expected of me in my role.
I was acknowledged or recognised for good work.
My workload was manageable.
I was enabled to make decisions about my own work schedule or priorities.
I felt satisfied.
I felt secure about my role/position in the team.
I was committed to our team's current plan.
I felt supported to balance my work/life needs.
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33% of survey complete.