The British Skin Foundation (BSF) and talkhealth have a proud heritage of providing free of charge public online clinics with panels of experts over the last 10 or so years on the subject of dermatology. We are setting the agenda for 2025 and welcome your feedback on what dermatology skin topics you would like us to focus on for the year ahead and in which format.
The ‘clinics’ offer the opportunity for the talkhealth members to ask experts in their fields various questions on the topic of that specific clinic. The clinics generally run for 5 days in which you can post your question with an informed answer from an expert. In September we host our general skin clinic for the full month – covering a wide range of skin-related topics.
Over the last two years, we have introduced the opportunity to send in a question to an expert in a specific dermatology field and listen to the answer in one of our recorded ‘Expert Interviews’. These expert interviews can be viewed on YouTube and listened to in podcast format.
In the below short survey please tick areas that you feel would be most beneficial. Plus there is also the opportunity to provide further input on other areas you might be interested in along with your views on the offering and if there is anything else you might like us to consider.
We look forward to hearing from you and as always appreciate your time and feedback.
Best wishes
the talkhealth team.