A Best Practice Learning Survey for the Virginia CHC Leadership Institute


Many of the CHC Leadership Institute Capstone Projects highlighted strategies for optimizing communication. The challenge lies in not only implementing communication strategies but also developing a culture that supports and sustains effective communication.  Community health centers have tried a variety of communication strategies, many of which were shared on June 6th and 7th.  The purpose of this brief survey is to quickly generate a list of these 'best practice' or 'promising practice' strategies so we can share them across our organizations.    

Question Title

* Communication Strategies

Please use the space below to share one good thing that your organization has done to enhance team communication.  The strategy you share could be large or small.  It could be something people said or did.  It could also be a specific practice change, policy change, or utilization of software. The only criterion is that it had the effect of enhancing communication.  You can list as many strategies as you like, but we hope that everyone will share at least one.  We will compile a list of responses and share them back with every participating organization.  (Note: You can also share this survey around your organization, and invite everyone to share their insights.)

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* What software are you using as part of your communication strategy? Please elaborate on the name of the software and how your center has put it into operation. For example, some centers mentioned chat messaging software platforms.

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* At the session we also heard a number of different terms for "front office staff." What is the name of the role/position title that comprises front office staff at your CHC? For example, one center calls these staff "patient ambassadors."

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* Your Name and Organization

Please provide your name and organization so we can confirm your response.