WSP|MMM Group has undertaken a Land Use Plan and Zoning By-law project planning for the Batchewana Reserves on behalf of the Batchewana First Nation. The Land Use Plan will provide policies and direction on future land use while the Zoning By-law puts the plan into effect with legally enforceable by-laws relating to the different zones. The documents will be utilized as a tool to support responsible development and sound resource management. 

The survey will provide information to the project team in a number of areas. These areas include: Background Information, housing, municipal servicing,

Any information provided by individuals will be considered confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a Band Member?

Question Title

* 2. Where do you live?

Question Title

* 3. What is your age?

Question Title

* 4. Do you intend to stay on the reserve?

Question Title

* 5. Do other family members intend to stay on the reserve?

Question Title

* 6. Do you know of anyone planning on returning to the reserve?

Housing and Servicing

Question Title

* 7. What type of house do you live in?

Question Title

* 8. What is the source of your water supply?

Question Title

* 9. Do you have problems with your water supply?

Question Title

* 10. What sewage disposal facilities do you have?

Question Title

* 11. Type of tank:

Question Title

* 12. Distance from the house to the well:

Question Title

* 13. Distance from the house to the waterfront:

Question Title

* 14. Have you encountered problems with your sewage disposal facilities such as:

Question Title

* 15. When do problems occur?

Question Title

* 16. Do you have problems with water ponding around your house?

Question Title

* 17. Do you have problems with water ponding near the roadway in front of your house?

Community Planning

Question Title

* 18. What would your preference be for the servicing of a future subdivision site?

  Rankin Goulais Bay Obadjiwan
A rural type development with larger lots serviced by wells and septic tanks with tile fields
(1 acre size lots, 210 ft. x 2010 ft.).
A development with a communal water system and individual septic tanks with tile fields
(1/2 acre size lots, 200 ft. x 100 ft.).
An urban type subdivision with smaller lots serviced by communal water and sewer systems
(1/3 acre size lots, 75 ft. x 150 ft.).

Question Title

* 19. Do you think Chief and Council should enact by-laws to restrict certain types of buildings on reserve?

  Yes No
Goulais Bay

Question Title

* 20. Do you think Chief and Council should enact by-laws to restrict certain types of land uses on reserve?

  Yes No
Goulais Bay

Question Title

* 21. If your lot includes shoreline property, what disturbances have taken place along the shoreline?

Community Services

Question Title

* 24. Are there other recreational facilities that should be considered for the future?

Question Title

* 25. In what community?

Economic Development

Question Title

* 27. Any additional comments or concerns: