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We want to hear from you!

The Master Plan for Bellevue’s Ashwood Park is being updated. We are excited to share conceptual ideas that were developed from the responses that we received from you at the first Ashwood Master Plan Update Community Meeting and survey.

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Alternative A

Conceptual drawing of Ashwood Park, showing a restroom and shelter, children's play area, pavilion, and open lawn area.

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Alternative B

Conceptual drawing of Ashwood Park, showing a restroom and shelter, children's play area, pavilion, and open lawn area.

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Alternative C

Conceptual drawing of Ashwood Park, showing a restroom and shelter, children's play and storytelling area, an off-leash area, an open lawn area, and an amphitheatre.

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Alternative D

Conceptual drawing of Ashwood Park, showing an off-leash area, play berms, art/play storytelling areas, open lawn, restroom, and a pergola on the NE 10th plaza.

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Alternative E

Conceptual drawing of Ashwood Park, showing an off-leash area, art/play berms, open lawn, restroom, an optional small shelter and artwork, and a large pavilion/shelter..

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Original 1990 Master Plan

Line drawing of approved 1990 Master Plan, showing open lawn, a two-story community center, three stories of affordable housing, and public gardens.
After reviewing the 5 conceptual plans, please take some time to respond to the survey questions below to help refine the park design options.

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* 1. After reviewing the concept plans, and the existing master plan, which plan is closest to representing the type of park amenities you would like to see:

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* 2. What do you like most about your preferred concept plan?

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* 3. If you could change anything about your preferred concept plan, what would that be?

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* 4. The concept alternatives for the Park (Concepts A through E) each convey different themes or aesthetics and include precedent imagery that is evocative of what the Park might look like. Which concept shows the theme or aesthetic you most prefer?

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* 5. Which concept shows the theme or aesthetic you least prefer?

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* 6. One of the priorities that we heard from the first survey was a desire to have a picnic/shade/rain shelter. This could include a small, medium, or large sized shelter. What size shelter is most appropriate for Ashwood Park:

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* 7. The concept plans show shelters in different areas of the park. Which location do you prefer?

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* 8. Community feedback indicated support for an off-leash facility at Ashwood Park. The concept plans include several sizes of off-leash dog areas. What is the ideal size for an off-leash dog area at Ashwood Park?

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* 9. How important is parking to your use of the park?

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* 10. One of the park amenities that the community indicated they would like is a playground. The concept plans propose several different size playgrounds, which size do you think is appropriate for Ashwood Park:

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* 11. What are your top three preferred park amenities?

  Amenity 1 Amenity 2 Amenity 3
Walking paths
Picnic/shade/rain shelters
Off leash area
Play equipment area

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* 12. Community feedback indicated a desire to keep Ashwood Park open/green space. The survey indicated several amenities that are important to park users, including walkways, restrooms, and shelters. Have we found a good balance between open, green space and hardscape?

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* 13. Have we found a good balance between park open, green space and park amenities?

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* 14. For the Ashwood master Plan update process, the community meetings have been held in two different ways, in-person and virtually. For future meeting what is your preferred format:

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* 15. In 1986 the City of Bellevue and the King County Library System purchased the Ashwood Elementary School Site. This undeveloped park site has since been referred to as Ashwood Park. Do you think:

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* 16. Do you have any other comments or suggestions on the master plan or these concept alternatives that you'd like to share?