The goal of this survey is to help the City of Alexandria better understand the challenges that multi-family dwellings face when installing electric vehicle (EV) chargers, and what projects and resources may help overcome those challenges.

This survey should be completed by someone in a decision-making role with respect to installing EV chargers at a multi-family dwelling (e.g., board member, relevant committee member, management company representative).

Contact Amy Posner, Electric Vehicle Planner, at with any questions about this survey or EV-related efforts in Alexandria. Or visit our website at

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* 1. Please select the category that best describes your multi-family dwelling.

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* 2. Please share the name of the multi-family dwelling you are replying on behalf of.

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* 3. Has your multi-family dwelling installed EV chargers for your residents?

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* 4. Have any residents in your multi-family dwelling installed personal EV chargers in their deeded or assigned parking spaces?

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* 5. What are the most significant challenges you anticipate facing when planning for EV chargers at your multi-family dwelling? Check all that apply.

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* 6. What funding sources is your building considering using to install EV chargers? Is external funding needed?

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* 7. How helpful would the programs and resources below be, based on your multi-family dwelling's EV charging needs?

  Extremely helpful Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not so helpful Not at all helpful
Guidebook for approaching EV charger planning, installation, operation, and maintenance
Site assessments, electrical capacity evaluation, and cost estimate by a contractor
Information on grants and incentives
Information on available charging equipment
Information on qualified local contractors
Joint procurement or purchasing option with other multi-family dwellings
Sample policies for EV charger access rules, fee setting, operation, and maintenance
Peer-to-peer learning opportunities

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* 8. The City has launched a "Peer Group" for multi-family dwellings interested in installing EV chargers and discussing other sustainability-related activities. The group meets quarterly to learn how other communities are approaching EV charging, to connect with vendors and industry partners, and assess strategies for implementing EV charging and sustainability initiatives at their homes.

If you are interested in joining the Peer Group or want to discuss your responses with the City, please share your contact information.

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* 9. Other comments: