Thank you for your interest in AUTHENTIC

I only work with a handful of executives and leaders in AUTHENTIC each year and don't extend an invitation to everyone who applies.

This application will help me determine if I can help support your journey toward becoming a savvy wellness investor by transforming your WELL-LEADER MINDSET™ to achieve the long-term wellness you desire and if you might be a good fit for the 1-Year AUTHENTIC experience.

As such, please be thoughtful and honest when answering these questions.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your personal information below.

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* 2. Briefly describe the current status of your health and wellness.

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* 3. How long have you been struggling or unhappy with your health and wellness?

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* 4. What do you believe is holding you back from achieving the health and wellness you desire?

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* 5. What results do you believe you can achieve related to your health and wellness?

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* 6. AUTHENTIC Wellness Advising is for ambitious, future-focused executives and leaders who are willing to step back, reflect, and think strategically about investing in their health and wellness. You must commit to making your wellness a priority, be coachable, and do the work to create, implement, and sustain your authentic Lifestyle Wellness Strategic Plan. Why do you believe you are a good fit for AUTTHENTIC?

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* 7. Why do you want to coach 1-on-1 with me, Dr. Lori specifically?

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* 8. How did you first "meet" me and how long have you been part of my audience?

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* 9. ACTIVATE Confirmation: Should you be chosen for ACTIVATE: