The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) is conducting its annual for-hire motor carrier data collection initiative to obtain truck-related operational costs for ATRI’s Operational Costs of Trucking report, the industry's leading public benchmarking tool. ATRI is seeking cost data for 2024 associated with operating a truck. Please note that the questions below are focused on tractor-trailer combos only (not straight trucks).

All responses will be kept strictly confidential. Carriers with multiple operating fleets may submit data separately for each fleet. Owner-Operators will be linked to a new, streamlined form tailored to their operations.

All participants submitting a completed data collection form will receive a confidential, customized report directly comparing your operational costs to the operational cost trends of anonymized peer carriers of the same sector and size.

Again, all collected data will be kept completely confidential. Personal, organizational, and/or financial information will never be released for public use under any circumstance. The final published report will only be presented in an aggregated, non-identifying format. As needed, ATRI will sign a confidentiality agreement.

For any of your costs that were equal to zero in 2024, please explicitly enter “0” in the submission box. If you have any questions, please contact Alex Leslie at or 651-641-6162 ext. 2.

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact information below. Occasionally ATRI will follow up with participants to clarify responses. Your information will be kept strictly confidential. All participants will receive an advance copy of the full report as well as a confidential, customized report directly comparing your operational costs to those of your peer carriers.

Question Title

* 2. What best describes your operation?