Asthma Educator Sharing Times will be provided in two, 2-hour, events. We have applied for 2 contact hours for each event for nurses and respiratory therapists. Credit will be given for live webinar attendance only. Certificates of attendance will also be available.
Please register for the day(s) you will participate, registration closes one week prior to each event. A calendar appointment, including Zoom link will be sent within 1 week of registration. An email with meeting materials and the Zoom link will be sent 1 week before each of the Sharing Time events.
Friday, October 11 ~ 11 AM – 1 PM
> SMART @ School ~ Karla Stoermer-Grossman
> Self-Care Strategies for Asthma Educators ~ John Dowling
> When to Refer to an Asthma Specialist ~ Karen Meyerson

Friday, October 25 ~ 11 AM - 1 PM
> Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction and Asthma: A Speech-Language Pathology Perspective ~ Dr. Jeff Searl
> GINA 2024: What's New? ~ Karla Stoermer-Grossman
> Asthma Resource Update ~ Kathleen Slonager

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Organization

Question Title

* 4. Professional degree

Question Title

* 5. Please select the date(s) you will participate:

Question Title

* 6. In what type of setting do you perform asthma education? (choose only one)

Question Title

* 7. Please tell us your job title and/or credentials (check as many as apply). 

Question Title

* 8. City

Question Title

* 9. State, if not MI

Question Title

* 10. Phone

Question Title

* 11. Email - If this is not correct, you will not receive meeting information!

Question Title

* 12. Special Accommodations: Please indicate any special accommodations you may need for these virtual events. Deadline to request special accommodations is September 30, 2024. If requests are received after this date, we will do our best to accommodate your needs but they cannot be guaranteed.

For more information about this event, please contact:
Tisa Vorce at