The information you provide will not be shared with anyone outside the research team without your permission. All identifying information will be removed and you will not be identified in any way in reports of this data.
For sharing with researchers, The SRNA Registry will protect your privacy and confidentiality by removing identifying information, like your name, address and birthdate from the data that are shared. The “de-identified” data will be assigned a code. Only authorized people who work at SRNA will have access to the key to the code. They are the only ones who will be able to identify you, if needed. Identifying information and the key to the code will not be shared with other repositories or researchers that receive data from The SRNA Registry. The identified data in The SRNA Registry will be stored in password protected folders.
Researchers from across the world will be able to request permission from The SRNA Registry to access your de-identified data. The data may be used for broad research purposes, including research unrelated to your disease or condition. Once the data are shared with researchers, you will not be able to limit its use to specific kinds of research.
Researchers may also use The SRNA Registry data to find patients who may be eligible for their studies. If data in The SRNA Registry shows that a contributing patient may be a good match for a research study, the researchers will provide a research proposal and contact letter to SRNA, listing the code numbers of people they would like to contact. SRNA will forward the information to those patients who match the codes provided by the researcher. This contact will only be made by SRNA. Patients interested in the study can then contact the researcher directly for additional information and to join a study. Researchers will not be able to identify you from the information they receive and will not be able to contact you directly.
When results of research studies using registry data are reported in medical journals or at scientific meetings, the people who take part are not named and identified. Your information in The SRNA Registry may be viewed by NIH auditors or regulatory agencies in accordance with any applicable laws.
Your information in The SRNA Registry will be kept in the registry indefinitely.