Recfishwest Blue Swimmer Crab Survey 2024 |
Welcome to the Recfishwest Blue Swimmer Crab Survey
Thank you for participating in Recfishwest’s Blue Swimmer Crab Survey.
Crabbing continues to be a much-valued pastime amongst West Australians, and in order to ensure that crabbers are getting the best experience they can, Recfishwest are keen to check in on the views of crabbers from Perth to Geographe Bay.
The last review of crabbing on the lower West Coast was undertaken by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) in 2018, and resulted in some changes to crabbing rules that we believe supported better crabbing experiences.
Since this time, there have been some changes to broader crab management including the removal of some commercial fishing effort, as well as the opening of Cockburn Sound to recreational fishing. To understand the impact of these management changes and ensure crabbing experiences can continue to be improved, we want to hear from you.
Click 'Next' to start the survey.