Exit Big Data for .NET Developers Question Title * 1. Which of the following best describes your role? Developer (Develops end user applications, some of which require access to curated data) Data Engineer (Develops data processing pipelines and scripts to prepare and curate data from a variety of sources) Data scientist (Build custom ML Models for a given data set and business problem) Business Analyst (Develops reports and runs queries on curated data) Academic Researcher Hobbyist Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How would you describe your company? Freelancer, consultant, self-employed Start-up Small-sized company (< 100 employees) Medium-sized company (100 - 1000 employees) Large-sized company (> 1000 employees) None of the above (e.g. I am a student or hobbyist) Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What are your current primary development languages? (Select all that apply.) C# F# VB Node Java JavaScript Scala Python Julia PHP Swift Go R SQL C++ Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. What kind of apps are you developing? Desktop Web Mobile Cloud Games Internet of Things None Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How would you describe your current usage of Big Data? Actively developing and leveraging Big Data solutions Recently started developing Big Data solution (<6 months ago) Interested in learning about Big Data but have not actively developed any solutions Not interested in Big Data Other (please specify) 50% of survey complete. Next