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This short survey is being conducted to research insights to shape the facilitation that is available to schools within 2022/23, and onwards in relation to Person, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education. 
Relationship and sex education (RSE) and health education (combined referred to as 'RSHE', which has been statutory since September 2020), and the wider elements of PSHE are intended to help children thrive. 
This short survey has been conducted to explore how quality improvement can be facilitated across more schools in Portsmouth, through exploring: 
  • What individual whole RSHE or PSHE programme* schools are using to support their scheme of work, delivery and wider needs and how are they using it and perceived benefits (with the intention to learn from each other as a city) 
  • If there are any schools looking for information and support to access an RSHE or PSHE programme (which may be able to be facilitated by the information provided by the schools who have already utilised packages available) 
  • How as a city, peer learning and support can be facilitated (including with networking opportunities) 
*Within the survey, the term 'programme' will be used to describe
any packages which can be obtained from a specialist provider in relation to PSHE/RSHE. These programmes contain curriculum planners, lesson plans, resources and tools. The programmes can also include CPD/training, networking and more. 
The survey is designed to be completed by a RSHE or PSHE leadership role. Any views from anyone else using the packages are welcomed as all experiences and opinions are valued, so please share the survey link as appropriate.  
The survey is expected to take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete depending on the level of information you might have to share. 

All data collected will be made anonymous and will not be shared with anyone outside Portsmouth City Council. We will store your data in line with the council's Data Protection privacy notice.
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