Every year the Frontline Network brings together a range of brilliant speakers from across the UK homelessness sector for a day of discussion, training and workshops on the issues that matter to you. The conference is free to attend and topics covered are directly chosen based on the feedback we receive in our annual frontline worker survey.

You can see example content from our most recent conference here.

For the past 3 years we have held the conference online, we want to hear from you whether this format brings you the best experience. The survey will only take a few minutes and all survey responses are anonymous. You can view our privacy notice here.

If you have any questions about this survey, or our events, please emails frontline@stmartinscharity.org.uk 

Survey closes on 13th September 2023


Question Title

* 1. Have you attended a Frontline Network conference before? Please tick all that apply.

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* 2. For our next Conference (provisionally June 2024) how likely would you be to attend if it was:

  Very likely Likely  Neither likely or unlikely  Unlikely  Very unlikely
An online event comprising talks, roundtable discussions and webinar workshops (where you can interact via chat and Q&A)
An online event of webinar talks, roundtable discussions and interactive workshops (where you can see and speak with other participants) 
A hybrid event held in-person in London and simultaneously streamed in real time. A limited number of bursaries would be available to cover frontline workers travel expenses to attend in person
An in-person event held in London. Spaces would be limited to around 160 people with some bursaries available to cover frontline worker travel expenses.

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about the sessions on the day, Please indicate your preference from 1 to 4

  First choice  Second choice Third choice  Fourth choice N/A
A choice of different sessions running at the same time, choose which you want to attend AM and PM (all available to watch back on demand later)
A morning programme of sessions to choose from, repeated in the afternoon to give more opportunity to attend the sessions you want. 
A whole day programme of sessions, no choice but all can be attended on the day.
No preference

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* 4. Any other comments?

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* 5. What area of the UK are you based in?

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* 6. If you are in England, where is your service primarily based?

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* 7. If Scotland, where is your service primarily based?

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* 8. If Wales, where is your service primarily based?

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* 9. If Northern Ireland, where is your service primarily based?