User Feedback Group Survey - February 2023

1.In the last 12 months, which of these User Feedback Group activities did you take part in? (tick all that apply)
2.Please let us know if you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
My feedback is listened to by APNIC staff
My feedback is used by APNIC staff to improve products and services
APNIC staff regularly communicate with the User Feedback Group
3.Do you have any feedback on why you gave these scores?
4.Are you more likely to take part in research if there is an egift voucher available?
5.Are you more likely to take part in research if there is APNIC merchandise available?
6.Which of these types of feedback or research are you interested in doing? (tick all that apply)
7.Where would you like to hear about research or feedback opportunities? (tick all that apply)
8.What has prevented you from taking part in research or feedback activities with APNIC in the past? (tick all that apply)
9.Do you have any other comments or suggestions on how we can improve the User Feedback Group or research/feedback opportunities?
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