University of San Francisco
Search for the President

The University of San Francisco, with assistance from search consultants from Isaacson, Miller, is collecting input from our community regarding expectations for the next university president. Your perspectives, feedback, and recommendations regarding the search process are valuable, and the Search Advisory Committee would appreciate hearing from you via the short survey below.

Thank you for your assistance in this important effort.
1.In five years, how will you know that the president has been successful? What difference would suggest to you that the president has had a real impact?
2.What are the key issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the president, particularly in terms of people, climate, finances, and/or operations?
3.What does the president need to know about USF to be successful?
4.What do you think are the essential qualifications and experiences of an ideal candidate?
5.Additional Comments
6.Which of the following best represents your relationship to University of San Francisco? You may select more than one as appropriate.
7.Name (optional):
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