ASAM is seeking experts in specific topic areas to serve on writing committees for the 4th Edition of The ASAM Criteria®, Correctional Settings and Reentry Volume (see proposed framework here; in development). These writing groups will be chaired by Lead Editors who report to the Editor-in-Chief. ASAM members and non-members are encouraged to apply, as are all members of the addiction medicine care team. Applications will be accepted through May 9, 2025.

It is expected committee work would entail up to 10 hours of work per month. Development of this volume is anticipated to take 12-18 months. Intensity of committee work will vary across the stages of development. We would anticipate on average 5-6 hours per month. It is expected for committee members to attend scheduled meetings and provide asynchronous feedback.

Anticipated start Fall 2025

Please note that we ask for an updated CV as part of this application.

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Email Address

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* 3. Have you previously applied for an ASAM Criteria 4th Edition editorial or writing group?

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* 4. Professional Credentials/Designations (e.g., DO, MCR, FASAM)

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* 5. Primary place of employment

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* 6. Professional title/position

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* 7. Do you have experience working in any of the following?

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* 8. Are you familiar with the ASAM Criteria? Please describe any relevant experience. Please be specific.

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* 9. What is your experience in working in correctional and reentry settings? Please be specific.

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* 10. From the following list, select the topics you are most interested in addressing in the 4th Edition. (You are required to select at least one and may select up to five).

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* 11. Whare are the most critical issues would you like to see addressed in the Correctional Settings and Reentry Volume concerning the topic(s) you selected above?

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* 12. What is your experience with literature review methods? (e.g., completed a systematic review on the topic of substance use and treatment planning)

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* 13. What is your experience with editing and writing? (e.g., experience writing peer-reviewed publications, grant-writing, chapters/books, etc.)

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* 14. Can you commit to 5-10 hours per month for committee work?

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* 15. Are you currently a member of ASAM? (This is for informational purposes only and not a requirement for participation.)

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* 16. Do you currently serve on any ASAM committees? (This is for informational purposes only and not a requirement for participation.)

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* 17. Please upload your most recent CV.

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