Complete this survey to go in the draw to win a prize worth $3,500

Welcome to The Urban Developer’s inaugural property industry sentiment survey, delivered in partnership with nbn co limited.

It is expected that this survey will be one of the largest and most comprehensive surveys ever conducted by the property industry in Australia. 

The survey will cover the key issues impacting the industry, the opportunities and challenges facing developers across the country and your predictions for the future.

Specifically, it is broken down into the following sections:

• Background
• Industry sentiment
• Project feasibilities
• Development sites
• Planning approvals
• Construction costs
• Project funding
• Market demand

We thank you for your involvement in this short 15 minute survey. 


All completed respondents will go into the draw for a chance to win:
• An all access ticket to Urbanity 2024 Conference
• A $1,000 Accommodation Voucher
• A one year membership to TUD+
This exclusive package, valued at $3,500 could be yours, enter below, courtesy of The Urban Developer and nbn co limited.


Question Title

* 1. Describe your role within the property development industry?

Question Title

* 2. Which geographical region(s) do you primarily operate in? 
Can select multiple

Question Title

* 3. What type of new development projects do you typically undertake? 
Can select multiple