Screening for type 1 diabetes (T1D) can help prevent serious complications during an unexpected diagnosis, and can lead to a chance to participate in clinical trials that help discover new treatments towards cures. 
We're always looking to learn more about how our community utilizes our tools—and your answers will help us shape our programs around these vital resources! 

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* 1. (Required) Who in your household lives with type 1 diabetes? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. (Required) Have any family members that do not live with type 1 diabetes participated in type 1 diabetes screening? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. (Optional) If you/your family members have not participated in type 1 diabetes screening, tell us why. (Check all that apply) 

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* 4. (Required) At what level have you or a family member participated in clinical trials?

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* 5. (Optional) If you participated in a clinical trial, what was the type of trial?

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* 6. (Optional) If your child or family member participated in a clinical trial, what type was it?

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* 7. (Optional) If you/your family members have not participated in a clinical trial, tell us why. (Check all the apply)

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* 8. (Optional) If you/your child/a family member participated in a clinical trial or type 1 diabetes screening, how did you learn about it? (Check all that apply)

50% of survey complete.