PARTICIPATION: Participation is entirely voluntary. You do not have to join this or any research study. If you join and later wish to withdraw, we will not keep any data acquired by that point, and you will not receive prorated payment. The Receiver must be comfortable showing their abdominal area, as the scientist will need to place the EGG electrodes on the skin. Participants will be required to pull their shirts up to their sternum, exposing their belly button and stomach area. By signing this consent form, you agree to this.
CONFIDENTIALITY: There is always a slight risk of loss of confidentiality. To reduce this risk as much as possible, all data collected during this study will be anonymized using random unique identifiers (e.g., studyID_0001). Only one Excel sheet will link participants’ information (name, contact information) with their study identifier and will be password-protected (only the PIs will know the password). Signed consents or any other documents containing the subject's confidential information will be scanned and stored on the Institute’s Google Drive, with only PIs having access. Anonymous data may be shared with the larger research community to advance science and health.
OVERSIGHT: This research is overseen by an Institutional review board (IRB). You may communicate with the IRB Co-chair, Dr. Dean Radin, at if: 1) your questions, concerns, or complaints are not answered; 2) you want to talk to someone besides the research team; 3) you have questions about your rights as a research subject; 4) you want to get more information or provide input about this research. If you have any concerns or complaints regarding this study now or in the future, or you think you may have been injured or harmed by the study, contact the Research Director, Dr. Wahbeh, at 707-779-8230.