100% of survey complete.

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Employee Name

We at Broadbase, Jiffy Lube value our employees and appreciate any feedback that will help us to improve the new hire process. This survey evaluates your first 45 days of employment experience. Please rate the following statements and note that there is space for comments.

Question Title

Orientation/new hire training provided an appropriate amount of information for me to understand the company, the nature of my job and how to be successful here.

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The policies, procedures, rules and requirements I learned about during orientation/new hire training are practiced and supported in my shop environment.

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I have been assigned a mentor or a designated go-to person for guidance, advice and/or assistance.

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During the first week of employment my manager reviewed my job description and position expectations with me.

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I have toured my primary location and am aware of where to find the first aid kit, fire extinguishers, restrooms, etc as well as how to contact my manager, assistant manager, regional manager and human resources.

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During my first week of employment my manager or designated mentor introduced me to my co-workers.

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I feel as though I am progressing in my position as I would like to be.

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I have the resources and tools needed to successfully perform my job.

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As a new employee I was comfortable asking questions or for help from my manager and/or co-workers.

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Additional Comments