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* 1. Where are you based?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Which of these insurance products have you ever bought? (select all that apply)

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* 4. From 1-10 rank how important are these factors to use when buying insurance ( 1- would not influence my decision at all; 10- would be the main influencer of my decision)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Quality of Service
Policy coverage
Knowing that someone you know uses that insurance provider

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* 5. What would be the main reasons for you NOT to buy insurance

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* 6. Which of these channels have you used to purchase insurance?

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* 7. Which of the channels would you prefer to use?

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* 8. Your insurer offers you a discount on your health insurance, on the condition that you wear a Fitbit/any other wearable device and share your activity data with them.
What discount would you need to consent to this? (if you would not consent to this at all please explain why)

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* 9. Your insurer offers you an exclusive app that helps you to locate an empty parking space when you arrive at your destination. To use this app, you must install a sensor in your car and share data on your driving behaviour with your insurer.

Would you consent to this? And if not, why?

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* 10. What type of data would you not want your insurer to have?

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* 11. Why would you be concerned to share your data with an insurer? (select all that apply)

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* 12. Imagine you are living in a smart home, i.e. all your devices and appliances are connected, and can be observed and controlled remotely.

Now imagine, your pipe was about to leak- how would you feel about receiving a notification from your insurer?

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* 13. Do you perceive insurance industry as a whole to be: