Nomination Form

The Association of African Universities is calling for nominations/applications from members of the Association for the positions of President, Vice-Presidents and members of the Governing Board to serve for the period 2025 – 2029. Duly accredited representatives of members of the Association in good standing are therefore invited to submit their candidacy or make nominations for election to the vacant offices no later than 15th May, 2025. Please click here ( to see the list of members in good/bad standing before you complete the nomination form below.

Question Title

* 1. Title

Question Title

* 2. Family name

Question Title

* 3. First name(s)

Question Title

* 4. Email address

Question Title

* 5. Contact phone number

Question Title

* 6. Name of university

Question Title

* 7. Country

Question Title

* 8. Sub-region

Question Title

* 9. Position you are applying for

Question Title

* 10. Upload your brief curriculum vitae

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 11. Upload your signed letter of commitment to serve the Association

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File
Please provide the list of your seconders (Positions for President and Vice Presidents require 5 seconders. Positions for Governing Board Members require 2 seconders)

Question Title

* 12. 1st Seconder

Question Title

* 13. 2nd Seconder

Question Title

* 14. 3rd Seconder

Question Title

* 15. 4th Seconder

Question Title

* 16. 5th Seconder

Please ensure that those seconding your candidacy submit the required information via the link below no later than 15th May 2025:

For the position of President or Vice President, at least five (5) duly accredited representatives of members in good standing, who shall have secured the consent of the candidate and who shall not nominate more than one candidate should second your candidacy. All other nominations for election to the Governing Board shall be seconded by at least two (2) duly accredited representatives of members in good standing, who shall also have secured the consent of the person nominated.