Perris Elementary - LCAP 2024-25 Survey - English |
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), requires schools and districts to describe goals and specific actions to achieve those goals for all students and subgroups in eight priorities. The LCAP is updated yearly and presents a unique opportunity to measure the factors that are important to produce a well-rounded education for all students. As part of our process, we are asking for feedback that will be utilized to assess our progress toward meeting our objectives. This opportunity affords stakeholders a voice in the way the district and our schools will hold themselves accountable.
Please answer the following questions to help our district determine what our stakeholders (e.g., students, parents, staff, and community members) find valuable in a school system. The results from this survey will be used to determine if we are meeting our growth targets, and will help monitor the implementation of our LCAP priorities. Stakeholders have an option to mark “Don’t Know” if they feel they do not possess sufficient knowledge on the topic. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will be carefully considered.
The individual results from this survey will be kept confidential. We are asking that you include your school name so that we can keep track of this information by site. We would like to thank you in advance for taking your time to complete this survey.
Eight State Priorities for the LCAP:
Priority 1: Basic Services
Priority 2: Implementation of State Standards
Priority 3: Parent Involvement
Priority 4: Student Achievement
Priority 5: Pupil Engagement
Priority 6: School Climate
Priority 7: Course Access
Priority 8: Other
Please answer the following questions to help our district determine what our stakeholders (e.g., students, parents, staff, and community members) find valuable in a school system. The results from this survey will be used to determine if we are meeting our growth targets, and will help monitor the implementation of our LCAP priorities. Stakeholders have an option to mark “Don’t Know” if they feel they do not possess sufficient knowledge on the topic. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will be carefully considered.
The individual results from this survey will be kept confidential. We are asking that you include your school name so that we can keep track of this information by site. We would like to thank you in advance for taking your time to complete this survey.
Eight State Priorities for the LCAP:
Priority 1: Basic Services
Priority 2: Implementation of State Standards
Priority 3: Parent Involvement
Priority 4: Student Achievement
Priority 5: Pupil Engagement
Priority 6: School Climate
Priority 7: Course Access
Priority 8: Other