2024 Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF)
Feedback Survey

Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is inviting you to take part in a survey about the Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF) grant program. Your responses will help us make improvements to the process for the next grant program starting in 2025.

We’re reaching out to you because your organization may have heard about or applied to the CCBF grant program through a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO).

This survey is optional – and your input is very important.
Your answers will remain private. They won’t affect your CCBF application or relationship with CCOs. Your name, your organization’s name or your answers won’t be shared with CCOs.

This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Please submit only one response for your organization.
If you decide to take part, you will have the option to receive a $20 gift card as a thank you. Instructions for receiving the gift card will appear at the end of the survey.

If your organization did not apply for the CCBF grant program, or even if you have never heard of it, we still want to hear from you!

Your time is valuable, and OHA will respond to your feedback.
After the survey closes we will analyze the information. In late August we will send out a high-level overview of what we learned and share the information with OHA leadership. In November we will send a summary of what OHA plans to do in response to what we learned.
About Community Capacity Building Funds
Through Oregon's current 1115 Medicaid waiver, the state will be able to cover new health-related social needs (HRSN) services for Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members. OHP is free health coverage for people who live in Oregon and meet income and other criteria. Health-related social needs are social and economic needs that affect a person’s ability to maintain health and well- being, including access to housing, food, climate control devices, and help applying for these services.

Organizations were encouraged to apply for the 2024 Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF) grant program. To apply, organizations needed to:
  • Be planning to offer HRSN services to OHP members
    Have strong community relationships
  • Be culturally responsive
  • Provide language services
CCBF grants can be used for HRSN-related:
  • Technology
  • Workforce development
  • Business practices development
  • Outreach and education
3% of survey complete.