.Accounting Careers: The Outlook for Staffing Trends and New Job Opportunities Question Title * 1. WELCOME! Sign up here for your FREE preview of the survey results and related reports. Primary email: Alternate email : Question Title * 2. OVER THE NEXT 6 TO 12 MONTHS, how will the NUMBER OF PROFESSIONALS EMPLOYED at your company or organization change? We'll be ADDING to our headcount. We'll be replacing people as positions open - and headcount should remain STEADY. Our headcount will be REDUCED. Question Title * 3. How likely is it that YOU might CONSIDER A NEW JOB within the next 6 to 12 months? Yes, DEFINITELY! Please get me OUTTA here! Yes, PROBABLY. I'm keeping my eyes open. Not actively looking, but MAYBE I could be persuaded. No. NOT AT ALL. This job is perfect for me right now. Question Title * 4. Personally, how CONFIDENT are you in your ability to FIND A BETTER JOB over the next 6 to 12 months? (Pull down menu) 1 - HIGHLY CONFIDENT 2 - VERY CONFIDENT 3 - FAIRLY CONFIDENT 4 - SOMEWHAT CONFIDENT 5 - NOT AT ALL CONFIDENT Question Title * 5. IN YOUR OWN WORDS: How do you REALLY feel about business and employment conditions today? Question Title * 6. What would you CHANGE about your current job?(Please check all that apply.) Compensation and benefits Workload/work-life balance Lack of career opportunities Lack of challenge/interesting work Colleagues/co-workers Clients/customers/stakeholders Senior management My boss My company My industry Other, please specify Question Title * 7. IF YOU COULD WAVE A MAGIC WAND... What would you change about your current job? Question Title * 8. In your opinion, what are the MOST IMPORTANT ingredients in a successful career as a CPA?(Please check all that apply.) Ability to relate to people, get along. Maintaining work-life balance. Constant, lifelong learning. Hard work and determination. Networking and connections. Communication and persuasion. Technical knowledge and skills. Integrity and good character. Other, please specify Question Title * 9. What's your BEST ADVICE to an accountant looking for a job today? Question Title * 10. PLEASE TELL US SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF... In what type of business do you work? Public Accounting/Consulting Business or Industry Government Not-For-Profit Vendor/Supplier to CPAs/Finance Executives Other, please specify Question Title * 11. How many people work in your company? 1 to 10 11 to 50 51 to 100 101 to 500 More than 500 Question Title * 12. Which best describes your position? Managing Partner/President/CEO/COO Partner/Senior Executive/CFO/Controller Senior Staff/General Management Mid-Level Staff/Internal Auditor Junior Staff/Accountant/Administrator Other, please specify Question Title * 13. ARE YOU... ? Male Female Question Title * 14. HOW OLD ARE YOU?(Pull down menu) Under 25 years old 26 to 34 years old 35 to 44 years old 45 to 54 years old 55 to 64 years old 65 to 74 years old 77 years old and above Question Title * 15. HOW MANY JOBS have you had so far in your career?(Pull down menu) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 or more Question Title * 16. WHY would you recommend a CAREER IN ACCOUNTING? Question Title * 17. OPTIONAL: Can we quote you? THANKS! Name: Email: Website: http:// NEXT