本處現正進行客戶滿意度調查,就我們的服務收集客戶的意見,以不斷提高本處的服務水平。懇請 閣下回答此網上問卷。

閣下所提供的資料將會絕對保密,並只會用作是次問卷調查的綜合分析用途。所有已收集的問卷會於調查結果公布後6個月內銷毀。如有任何查詢,請致電2867 2775 或 2867 5944與本處聯絡。感謝你對是次調查的支持。
The Land Registry is conducting a customer satisfaction survey to collect feedback from customers for continuous improvements in our services. We sincerely invite you to complete this online questionnaire.

Please be assured that the information collected from the survey will be treated in strict confidence and will be analysed only on an aggregate basis. All the questionnaires collected will be destroyed in 6 months after the publication of the survey result. For any enquiries, please call us on 2867 2775 or 2867 5944. Thank you for your support to the survey.