100% of survey complete.
It’s time to create a 10-year plan for the parkland and foreshore areas of Little Lake Boort. This is an opportunity to consolidate our vision for Little Lake Boort, to identify community aspirations, and consider opportunities. This survey will help us understand the community’s aspirations and priorities for the lake’s parkland and bushland areas.

The project area includes parkland and bushland areas between the lake foreshore and roads that circle the lake. It also includes opportunities associated with the waterbody.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. YOU CAN RETURN TO THE SURVEY AT ANY TIME

Please also encourage any young people you know to complete a survey that is specifically for them. Here is the site https://www.research.net/r/LLBoortSurveyforYoungPeople.                                                                                     
Here are other ways you can be involved in the project:


1. THE LITTLE LAKE BOORT COMMENT / IDEAS WALL in BRIC. Write or post your comments, pictures, examples of ideas you have seen elsewhere on the project wall in BRIC. Pens and sticky notes provided…

2. Come TALK TO US at Little Lake Boort on Sunday 27th November
Here is where we will be:
12.30 - 1.15 - Nolens Park picnic shelter 
1.30 - 2.15 - Historic Park
2.30 - 3.30 - Sailing / Angling Clubrooms 
3.45 - 4.30 - Myrnong Beach

3. SEND us your THOUGHTS or a SUBMISSION .. or get your class and to (due Monday 5th December)
* Online submissions: https://www.research.net/r/LLBoortSubmissionForm
* Send us a submission by post or drop it into the Shire offices.

4. Add your COMMENTS to the BOORT facebook page

If you would like more information about the project or have trouble completing the survey contact Lesley Humphreys on 03 9898 6615 or email lesley@lmhconsulting.com.au.

** In line with Council’s Privacy Policy any personal information provided in this survey will not be passed on to any other parties.

Question Title

* 1. Which best describes the number of times you visited or used the parkland, bushland or waterbody of Little Lake Boort (including trails) in the last 12 months?

Question Title

* 2. Who do you generally go to Little Lake Boort bushland, parkland or waterbody with?

Question Title

* 3. How do you generally travel to the lake

Question Title

* 4. Which best describes the things you primarily did when you went to Little Lake Boort in the last year? You can select a number of options

Question Title

* 5. Which best describes the areas you primarily visited in and around the lake in the last 12 months?

Question Title

* 6. Please tell us which you think are the priorities for improving the areas around the lake and waterbody. You need to respond to each statement.

  Very High Priority High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Not sure / don't know
Enhancing environmental values around the lake e.g. wildlife habitats
A focus on Aboriginal history and culture with features that depict lifelike exhibits e.g. ‘bush tucker’ vegetation, aboriginal shelters 
Interpretive signage e.g. about aboriginal and white settler history; formation of the lake; local landform
Some more landscape features in Historic Park
Make better use of the park on the east side of the pool
Completing the gaps in the circular walking trail
Distance and directional signage around the lake
Spaces and activities for young people
Remove the scout canoe storage shed from Rotary Park and provide more picnic / sitting areas
Boardwalks and jetties (including canoe launching points) that allow people to connect with the waterbody more / better
More creative public artwork, including in the water (away from water activities)
Interpretive signage for artwork
Enhancing Myrnong Beach
Greater use of landscaping and vegetation to create different environments and features throughout the parklands and to improve visual appeal
Better access for people with disabilities, parents with prams etc.
Playable / playful features and environments
A style of building and park furniture that integrates with the style proposed for the wider township
Linking the trails better with the township to form well-linked walking and cycling routes
Trees or vegetation that add a 'wow' factor e.g. flowering gums

Question Title

Please tell us the words you would use to express your vision and aspirations for the parkland, bushland and waterbody associated with Little Lake Boort e.g. peaceful, summer fun, for wildlife, a place where people come together

Question Title

Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. You need to respond to each statement

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Don't know/unsure
A consistent style and type of infrastructure such as seating, bollards, buildings is needed
It would be good to see the lake environs have more environmental initiaves e.g. bird hides, bird breeding boxes
It would be good to have more formal picnic areas suitable for families away from Nolens Park
We need some 'wow' features to make the lake and parkland / bushland areas more appealing tourists e.g. landscape features, interactive cultural features
The park next to the pool would be the best place for any additional recreation infrastructure (e.g. exercise equipment, skate facilities) because it is a high profile location and near existing recreation infrastructure 
Signage to areas around the lake could be better
The parkland and foreshore areas should be a stronger focus for schools' and environmental and cultural  learning and education
Dogs being off leash impact on my enjoyment of the lake environs
The parkland and bushland areas around the lake have far greater potential for the towns economy
There is greater potential for Little Lake Boort parklands and bushland to better reflect who we are as a community
Maintenance of the parkland and foreshore areas is of a good standard
Trails that link well with the township and other areas would encourage me to walk or cycle more
It is ok to have a mix of indigenous (e.g. gum trees) and exotic trees (e.g. oak / deciduous)
I feel safe walking around the lake

Question Title

* 9. Please tell us up to 3 things that would encourage you or your family to use the lake and bushland and parkland areas around the lake more

These questions help us understand the needs and aspirations of different groups of people who answer the survey. 

Question Title

* 10. Please tell us the groups we should consider as a priority

  High priority Medium priority Low priority Not sure / Don't know
Families and children
Young people / teenagers
Older people
People with disabilities
Visitors / Tourists / Tour groups
School groups

Question Title

* 11. Which best describes your residential status?

Question Title

* 12. Please tell us which age group you fit into

Question Title

* 13. Gender - Are you male or female?

Question Title

* 14. If you would like to stay informed about this project. Please leave your details here and we will keep you in the loop

Question Title

Please provided any additional comments you would like us to consider as part of the project.