Welcome to the Career Collaboration Survey! |
Career Collaboration Survey: Information Sheet for Potential Collaborators
What is the ASHE Career Collaboration Project (CCP)?
The CCP explores how ASHE members plan for career advancement, and tackle important issues like hiring decisions and succession planning. We are exploring these issues because you have told us that they are important you. What makes this project unique is that it is collaborative, meaning that each ASHE member participant is an active part of the process, and that we will share our findings with you so you can use them to improve your work processes and advance your own careers.
If I Choose to Participate, What will I be asked to do?
This project could take anywhere between 10 minutes to less than two hours total of your time, spread out over the next five years, depending on how much you would like to participate.
Everyone is being asked to fill out the survey today. There are no wrong answers to any of the questions. Once you finish today, you can choose to be done at that point, meaning, you only participate once. However, since we are interested in learning about how our field is changing over time, we invite you to continue to participate in this survey every year. If you choose to participate again in future years, we will contact you again, and ask you to fill out a follow up survey (online). The follow-up surveys will be very similar to the first one today, but reflect your current thoughts and ideas at the time. Each follow up survey should take no more than 20 minutes.
How will my information be used?
We will first look to see if there are any patterns in the first survey, and we will report back to the membership. Then, each year, we will explore patterns in the data that indicate a field-wide change in career advancement or other issues, and we will report these back to you as well. To protect your privacy, all the information you share with us will be confidential and will be securely stored with restricted access to only project staff. In addition, your individual level data will never be shared, and your personal identifiable information will be stripped from the data file and replaced with a four digit code. We will only use your contact information to find you for follow up surveys. You can choose to skip yearly surveys at any time.
Whom can I contact for more information: Lisa Walt at lwalt@aha.org
The CCP explores how ASHE members plan for career advancement, and tackle important issues like hiring decisions and succession planning. We are exploring these issues because you have told us that they are important you. What makes this project unique is that it is collaborative, meaning that each ASHE member participant is an active part of the process, and that we will share our findings with you so you can use them to improve your work processes and advance your own careers.
If I Choose to Participate, What will I be asked to do?
This project could take anywhere between 10 minutes to less than two hours total of your time, spread out over the next five years, depending on how much you would like to participate.
Everyone is being asked to fill out the survey today. There are no wrong answers to any of the questions. Once you finish today, you can choose to be done at that point, meaning, you only participate once. However, since we are interested in learning about how our field is changing over time, we invite you to continue to participate in this survey every year. If you choose to participate again in future years, we will contact you again, and ask you to fill out a follow up survey (online). The follow-up surveys will be very similar to the first one today, but reflect your current thoughts and ideas at the time. Each follow up survey should take no more than 20 minutes.
How will my information be used?
We will first look to see if there are any patterns in the first survey, and we will report back to the membership. Then, each year, we will explore patterns in the data that indicate a field-wide change in career advancement or other issues, and we will report these back to you as well. To protect your privacy, all the information you share with us will be confidential and will be securely stored with restricted access to only project staff. In addition, your individual level data will never be shared, and your personal identifiable information will be stripped from the data file and replaced with a four digit code. We will only use your contact information to find you for follow up surveys. You can choose to skip yearly surveys at any time.
Whom can I contact for more information: Lisa Walt at lwalt@aha.org