We would like your feedback on two features in MiFILE: 1) a potential new feature that would produce a summons for you, and 2) a change to existing functionality for e-service. Your input will help us determine the benefit of these features to you and other stakeholders.  

E-Summons Feature

In situations where a complaint is filed to initiate a civil case or a third-party complaint is filed, the summons would be created and issued through MiFILE using the information you provide in the MiFILE data entry screen and then made available to you for downloading and serving on each defendant.  This feature will not be used for generating a second summons.TrueFiling users would no longer be required to partially complete and submit a summons document to the court.  See details below.

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* 1. Do you support this new feature being added to MiFILE?

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* 2. Here are some reminders about this proposed feature.  Check the box next to each statement after reading it.

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* 3. Based on the information above, do you understand how you will use this feature if made available in MiFILE? 

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* 4. Please provide any other comments or concerns you have about this feature.